Why not?!
It's more than attitude. It's a belief of trusting myself. Because I do my homework, give my best effort. No pain. No gain....

How far I can run?
I run when I can. I dream when I can. Someone asks why run when you can walk. I say why walk when I can run. Why not. #women #power...

My new challenge
When size of a drawing is really a matter, here it is my challenge taken in November. Not bad after Photoshop. #arts #pattern #challenge...

Not stressed, but blessed!
Life is short. Why get too stressed. Focus on how blessed you are. #blessed #stress #stressed #bless #illustration #arts #drawing...

"Swirl Seed" Pen Drawing
The insignificant tiny idea may grow to become beautiful and elegant only when you keep nurturing it. Artwork by Kitty Wong. See more...

Respect shades of difference ....
art, artistic, arts, blue, cat, difference, different, drawing, Illustration, inspiration, inspirational, inspiring, quote, quotes,...